Mental Health Resource Guide
A compilation of recommended resources for mental health crises & more
General Resources for Support with Mental Health, Depression, and Suicide
A note for people experiencing crisis outside of the US: If you reach out to a hotline/crisis line and ask for international resources, they can usually give them to you
Lists all the known hotlines in every country (a resource particularly relevant for individuals living outside of the US)
Text support through mental health crises. Text “Start” to 741–741. 24 hours a day, confidential.
National Suicide Prevention Line
1–800–273-TALK, 24 hours a day
San Francisco Peer-Run Warm-line
Warm-lines are call lines that provide support before the point of crisis, to connect with someone and talk. This warm-line is 100% staffed by people with lived experience of mental health challenges. They also provide support over chat. 7am-11pmPST, 7 days a week. 1–855–845–7415.
Hotline by and for transgender folks. US: (877) 565–8860 Canada: (877) 330–6366
This is a comprehensive resource page full of online and text-based support through mental health crisis. Friends of people going through challenges can also contact any of the listed resources, too.
Warmlines are peer-run listening lines staffed by people in recovery themselves. Find a warm-line across the US here
List of hotlines & mental health resources across the US
Community Support for Mental Health and Wellness
Support network for people who hear voices
Publishes resources, offers webinars and peer mental health support both online and in local meetings across the US. Has an active Facebook group for peer support.
Awareness campaign and mental health community support organization for Black women and girls
Organization transforming the way the tech sector talks about mental health. Includes tech worker-specific mental health resources and a forum for peer support.
QTPOC Mental Health/Rest for Resistance
A community mental health support and resource organization for queer and trans people of color. Has an active Facebook presence.
A repository of self-care resources for developers and others
Finding a Therapist
- Psychology Today Therapist Search
- Therapy Search Tool by Good Therapy
- Therapist Database for Black Women and Girls
- How to Find a Therapist Who Understands Oppression and Intersectionality
- Therapy Database for Latinx Folks
- Finding a Therapist in Europe
Tools to Support Yourself and Others through Crisis, Depression, and Suicidal Thoughts
9 Best Ways to Support Someone During Depression, Psych Central
Navigating Crisis, Fireweed Collective
Tips on getting through mental health crises that you or someone you know is experiencing.
FAQ on Preventing Suicide, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Strategies for supporting people through mental health crises
Fill out your contact information on this site to access a suicide safety plan. This plan is the basics of laying out what people can do and who they can reach out to when suicidal thoughts emerge.
Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP Plan)
This goes through the basics of creating a Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) where people think through the daily things they need for wellness, triggers that could lead to challenging situations, early warning signs, and what they want from others when their mental health starts to break down and get worse. WRAP incorporates both crisis planning and more broad mental health recovery planning.
Workplace Mental Wellness
Resources on navigating workplace accommodations and building wellness into org culture.
Employee Rights and Accommodations
Succeeding at Work, National Alliance of Mental Illness
Depression, PTSD, & Other Mental Health Conditions in the Workplace: Your Legal Rights, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
When You Need to Take Time Off Work for Mental Health Reasons, Barbara Ricci, Harvard Business Review
Mental Health Conditions in the Workplace and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
For Individuals and Org Leaders
Rituals At Work: 10 Simple Workplace Wellness Practices to Spark Your (Inner & Outer) Success by Courtney Cobbs
How to Build Inclusive Culture by Nicole Sanchez
Managing teams in times of political trauma — what to do, what to say to boost psychological safety by Michelle Kim
How We Rewrote Our Company’s Mental Health Policy, Kelsey Meyer, Harvard Business Review
Business Leadership in Times of Violence by Nicole Sanchez